Cycling Accidents Overview
Risks and Types of Cycling Accidents
Cycling has seen a surge in popularity, leading to an increase in cycling accidents. Here are the key risks and types of accidents cyclists encounter:
Visibility Issues
Car drivers often overlook cyclists, especially in scenarios such as:
- Inside position at traffic lights
- Lorries and cars turning left
- Visibility from wing mirrors and side mirrors
Common Injuries
Cycling accidents can result in various injuries, including:
- Gravel Rash: Skin abrasions due to falls without protective gear
- Fractures: Commonly from falls over handlebars
- Head Injuries: Often when cyclists don't wear helmets
Types of Cycling and Associated Risks
Various types of cycling pose specific risks:
- Mountain Biking: Injuries from falls in wooded areas, including:
- Broken ribs and pelvic injuries from impacts
- Collisions with trees at high speeds
- Speed Cycling: Risks of serious injuries when colliding with stationary objects like trees
Emergency services are increasingly responding to cycling accidents, addressing a growing area of concern.
Understanding these risks can help cyclists and motorists alike improve safety on the roads.
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