Road Rash and Friction Burns
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Road Rash from Cycling Accidents
Understanding Road Rash
Road rash is akin to friction burns, often occurring in cycling accidents:
- Cause: Abrasive contact with road surfaces during high-speed falls.
- Severity: Can range from superficial to deep wounds with embedded debris.
- Risk: Increases vulnerability to infections due to skin barrier damage.
Treatment of Road Rash
Immediate and proper treatment is crucial to prevent infections and aid healing:
- Prioritize Injuries: Address more severe injuries like fractures or bleeds first.
- Cleanse the Wound: Use antiseptic wipes or gentle shower cleansing to remove grit.
- Manage Pain and Swelling: Apply ice packs intermittently to reduce swelling.
- Protect from Adhesion: Keep the wound exposed to air during the day or cover with a non-adhesive dressing.
Recovery Time and Monitoring
Recovery duration varies based on injury severity:
- Minor Injuries: Typically heal within a few days with proper care.
- Major Injuries: May require up to 2 weeks or more for complete healing.
- Medical Attention: Seek medical help for serious wounds or signs of infection.
Understanding and effectively treating road rash can significantly enhance recovery and minimise complications following a cycling accident.
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